Dear Parents, Whanau and Caregivers
Firstly, a big THANK YOU for those parents who volunteered their time this term to give our tamariki the opportunity to participate in a team sport. For those that frequently put up their hand, please know we are truly appreciative of your support. I know all the students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and loved the chance to be part of a team.
To our new parents who have recently joined the school, we are always looking for encouraging parents who want to offer our students a positive, fun sporting experience. If you are able to help with either coaching or managing please complete the form below. Please consider this request seriously as without parents volunteering, some teams may not be able to go ahead.
As a thank-you to all parents who volunteer to coach a team (take training and attend games) your child’s fees will be waived.
If you have any concerns please email Teresa:
Ngā mihi nui