Dear Parents / Caregivers
Please find below information about Sports offered at St Mary's Catholic School. Please click on the correct link below to follow the Registration process.
Registrations are now open for Cricket, Volleyball and Waterpolo.
Please ensure you are fully committed to your child playing the sport and are available for games and training BEFORE registering them for any sport. Also, make sure it does not clash with any other outside of school commitments. We have had several individuals pull out of teams in previous terms once the sport had started. This is not only puts pressure on the players remaining (in some cases leaving the team with the bare minimum to play). If your child does decide to withdraw once the competition has started you will still be charged the cost of the registration and be required to pay in full.
We will confirm at a later stage the Teams, Coaches, Team Managers, and finalised playing fees. At this time we ask parents to pay fees promptly. We operate a Pay-before-you-Play policy at St Mary's School. This means we will need to receive your child’s sport fee before the first game.
Payment can be made via online banking. If your child is playing in multiple teams or if you are paying for more than one child, please make separate payments so we can track payments more easily.
If paying online:
Basketball | 1 &2 | Tuesday after school | Tuesday 25th February | Tuesday | Hastings Stadium, Railway Road | $145 per team | Closed |
Basketball | 5 & 6 | Tuesday after school 4.00 - 7.00 pm | Tuesday 25th February | Tuesday | Hastings Stadium, Railway Road | $175 per team | Closed |
Basketball | 3 & 4 | Thursday after school | Thursday 27th February | Thursday | Hastings Stadium, Railway Road | $175 per team | Closed |
Basketball | 7 & 8 | Thursday after school | Thursday 27th February | Thursday 27th February | Hastings Stadium, Railway Road | $200 per team | Closed |
Cricket | 7&8 | Saturday morning | Saturday 15th February | Saturday 22nd March | Various School | $90 per team | OPEN |
Cricket | 5 & 6 | Saturday morning | Saturday 15th February | Saturday 22nd March | Various School | $90 per team | OPEN |
Cricket | 3 & 4 | Saturday morning | Saturday 15th February | Saturday 22nd March | Cornwall Park | No Charge | OPEN |
Netball | 3 & 4 | Wednesday | Wednesday | Wednesday 2nd April | Mitre 10 Park, Frimley | $ 30 per | Open |
Netball | 1 & 2 | Wednesday | Wednesday February | Wednesday 2nd April | Mitre 10 Park, Frimley | $30 per | Open |
Touch Rugby | 7 & 8 | Tuesday evening | Tuesday | Tuesday | Mitre 10 Park | $220 per team | Closed |
Touch Rugby | 5 & 6 | Tuesday evening | Tuesday | Tuesday | Mitre 10 Park | $200 Per team | Closed |
Touch Rugby | 3 & 4 | Tuesday evening | Tuesday | Tuesday | Mitre 10 Park | $200 per team | Closed |
Touch Rugby | 1 & 2 | Tuesday evening | Tuesday | Tuesday | Mitre 10 Park | $150 per team | Closed |
Water Polo | 3&4 5 & 6 | Sunday 1-6pm | Sunday 16th February | Sunday | Regional Aquatic Centre | $600 per team | Open |
Volley Ball | 5 & 6 7& 8 | Wednesday after school | Wednesday 19th February | Wednesday 9th April | Hastings Sports Centre Railway Road Hastings | $144.00 Team Membership Fee (Paid once per calendar year) $ 46.00 Total Team Fees $190.00 | Open |